With help and guidance, our youth can B anything they want to B.
Our Mission
B-THAT supports Tenino and Bucoda youth to prevent and reduce underage drug and alcohol use through education, building relationships, and promoting positive healthy lifestyles.
Our Vision
A community that promotes a safe, healthy environment where everybody feels as though they belong and can grow, connect, and build a positive healthy lifestyle.

What We Do
The Bucoda-Tenino Healthy Action Team (B-THAT) supports Tenino and Bucoda youth to reduce drug and alcohol use through education, building relationships and promoting positive, healthy lifestyles. Started in 2011, B-THAT formed to prevent youth substance abuse and advance the health and wellbeing of Tenino and Bucoda youth. Made up of concerned community volunteers and organizations, B-THAT members drive change in the Tenino and Bucoda communities by adopting research-based approaches to improve family communication, enhance community connection and promote youth health, safety, and success.